You shall know a word by the company it keeps. - John Rupert Firth


Customizable Digital Product Passport

Note: Go to the cs article version for more infomration about the project.

During my master's internship at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), I developed a prototype of a software system designed to provide decentralized traceability for supply chains using blockchain technology using the latest research in the field.

The prototype provided the interfaces for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain through smart contracts and defined the behaviour of a decentralized file system for storing product information using the InterPlanetary File System protocols.

This project was a great opportunity to gather experience in the following:

  • Decentralized application development.
  • Smart contract programming in Solidity.
  • IPFS
  • Web application design.

Created on the 19th of October 2024. Last edition on 17/11/2024