If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants. - Issac Newton


Medium sized toy program which implements a gaming platform enabling users to rate, subscribe and unsubscribe to Videogames and join & create games within them. Game developers can publish new videogames and check out their stats inside the platform. Programming IV course project of Facultad de Ingenieria - UDELAR.

This project was a great opportunity to gather experience in the following technologies and tools:

  • Object-Oriented programming concepts
  • Design Patterns
  • C++ development.
  • UML tools for software development

This was the final project for the programming IV course of Facultad de Ingenieria - UDELAR I've made along 3 other colleagues, you can also find its source code on Github.



Bienvenido a,


Fecha actual del sistema: 24/2/2022 - 12:42

──────────  Menu Principal ──────────

1. Alta de Usuario
2. Iniciar sesion
3. Modificar fecha del sistema
4. Cargar datos de prueba
5. Salir
Por favor ingrese una opción:

Player's Menu

──────────  Menu Jugador ──────────

1. Suscribirse a videojuego
2. Asignar puntaje a videojuego
3. Iniciar partida
4. Abandonar partida multijugador
5. Finalizar partida
6. Ver información de videojuego
7. Modificar fecha del sistema
8. Salir
Por favor ingrese una opción: 1

Developer's Menu

──────────  Menu Desarrollador ──────────

1. Agregar categoria
2. Publicar videojuego
3. Eliminar videojuego
4. Seleccionar estadisticas
5. Consultar estadisticas
6. Ver información de videojuego
7. Modificar fecha del sistema
8. Salir

Created on the 19th of February 2022. Last edition on 31/10/2022