What business of mine is the future? No doubt Seldon has foreseen it and prepared against it. There will be other crises in the time to come when money power has become as dead a force as religion is now. Let my successors solve those new problems, as I have solved the one of today. - Foundation (Isaac Asimov)

Guillermo Toyos-Marfurt: Computer Scientist, Engineer, and Researcher

Hello! I'm Guillermo, a computer scientist and engineer from Uruguay. This is my personal spot on the internet where you can find some of my work, thoughts, and other things I find interesting.

I’m currently pursuing a PhD at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, focusing on distributed systems. My research aims to make distributed systems more accessible, reliable, and efficient. Specifically, I work on developing innovative consensus algorithms and state machine replication protocols for blockchain systems.

Created on the 19th of February 2022. Last edition on 17/11/2024